Privacy Statement

The website (referred to as “the website”) is owned and managed by the Christadelphian Isolation League (referred to as “we” or “us”), a charity registered in the UK.  We take your privacy seriously and have created this privacy statement to explain the information that we collect from you and how we use it.  Please take time to read through this statement. 

If you have any questions or requests regarding your personal information, please use the contact us page.  We will aim to respond as soon as is practically possible.

The website is hosted (and backed up) on servers in ISO 27001 / FedRAMP certified data centres and made available through a Content Delivery Network with points of presence throughout the world.  If you submit your personal data to the website then your data will be securely transmitted to, stored and processed on servers residing in secure datacentres that are designed and operated to comply with globally recognised data privacy regulations.


Cookies (small text files which are sent by us to your computer or other access device) are used to track login session information if you have an account on one of our websites. 

You can turn off or delete cookies within your browser; please refer to the instructions included with your browser for how to do this.  Information on deleting or controlling cookies is available at Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies, you will have issues in using our website and will not be able to access your account and details on the website.

We do not send you any tracking cookies or share cookie information with third parties.

User Profile

On the website there is a facility to register an account and login, which is intended for Christadelphians.  On registration a user profile will be created where we collect the following information:

  • Your email address – this is so that we can contact you about the website if required
  • Your first name – this is used to personalise your experience of the website and email notifications
  • Your last name – this is used to personalise your experience of the website and email notifications
  • Your country of residence – we use this information for demographic purposes to understand the usage of the website and to ensure those registering on the website are from within the Christadelphian community
  • Your ecclesia – we use this information for demographic purposes to understand the usage of the website and to ensure those registering on the website are from within the Christadelphian community
  • If you are baptised – we use this information for demographic purposes to understand the usage of the website and to ensure those registering on the website are from within the Christadelphian community
  • If you are in isolation – we use this information for demographic purposes to understand the usage of the website and to ensure those registering on the website are from within the Christadelphian community

The following information is also requested on registration, but is optional:

  • Your picture – this is used to enhance the website experience and is shown on your profile page and against any comments that you make on articles on the website
  • Your year of birth – we use this information for demographic purposes to understand the usage of the website

You will create a username and password to secure your account and you will need a registration code to access the site.  As part of the registration process a unique user id will be automatically created by the website.  This is used to identify you within the website system and enable us to monitor and improve the website.  It is recommended that you do not use your email address as your username as the username is shared with other members of the website (see below).

On registration you can opt in to allow other members of the site to contact you using a personal contact form that will be accessible from your profile.

Once you have an account on the website you will be able to log in and view Isolation League articles and material.  The pages and articles that you visit on the website will be tracked by the website (we do not use third-party tracking cookies of any kind) so that we can support your use of the website and understand the overall performance and usage of the website.  We may transfer this tracking data to third-party tools (that we control) in order to further analyse the data.  Please see "sharing your personal data" below.

You may review, update or change your user profile at any time by logging on to the website and going to your profile page by clicking or tapping on ‘My Account’ and then ‘Edit’.

We will communicate with you using your registered email address if there are issues or updates to the operations of the website(s) that you need to be made aware of. 

The following profile information will be visible to other members of the website:

  • Username
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Country
  • Your Ecclesia
  • Your picture (if you have added one to your user profile)
  • If you are baptised
  • If you are in isolation
  • Your personal contact form if you have enabled it

Should you contact a member of the website via their personal contact form the following information will be emailed to them:

  • Your username
  • Your email address
  • The subject and message that you enter into the contact form.

Your profile information is not made available to anonymous users (people browsing the website who are not logged in and therefore may not be Christadelphians).  Your personal contact form, if enabled, is also not accessible publicly on the website.

You may be able to post comments on articles on the websites.  If you do so whilst logged in your username will be displayed as the author of the comment, along with your picture if you have provided one, with a link to your profile.  Only members of the website can see your comments, they are not posted publicly on the internet.

We may review user accounts on the website on an annual basis and remove any accounts that have not been used for more than a year.

Should you wish to have your information removed from the CIL Website please go to ‘My Account’ when logged on to the website, go to ‘Edit’, then go to the ‘Cancel Account’ link.

Contact Us form

If you use the contact us form on the website, you provide your name and email address so that we can respond to your question, request or feedback.  The information you provide will only be used to address your contact submission.

CIL Meet Online Meetings

We operate a Livestream / Online Meeting service on the CIL Website (called 'CIL Meet').  This service enables Christadelphian Ecclesias and Organisations to securely and privately broadcast meetings and events. and to facilitate online meetings or discussions.

You do not have to participate in CIL Meet when you use the CIL Website, you can still use the other website facilities.  However if you do participate in or publish to a livestream / online meeting, how your data is shared is set out below.

There are currently three types of CIL Meet Room, and the way your data is managed for each type is described  below.  The room type is shown on the CIL Meet page and the organisation / ecclesial pages where the rooms are listed.

Google Meet Integration

If you are joining a 'Google Meet' room, then your online presence will be shared with other participants of the Google Meet session.  Your email address may be used to create the Google Meet session but is not shared with the other participants in the room.  Please see "sharing your personal data" below.

Microsoft Teams Integration

If you are joining a 'Microsoft Teams' room, then your online presence will be shared with other participants of the Teams session.  Your email address, first and last name may be used to create guest access on the Microsoft Office 365 tenancy that is controlled by the CIL.  Other participants in the room will not see your email address.  Please see "sharing your personal data" below.

Zoom Meetings Integration

If you are joining a 'Zoom Meetings' room, then your online presence will be shared with other participants of the Zoom Meeting session.  No personal information is transferred from the CIL Website to Zoom in order to facilitate this.

Room Key access

Some rooms are available to access to those who do not have a CIL Website account via the use of a room key issued to the individual by the room owner, and a special web address used to access the room with the room key.  No personal data is collected in the validation of the room key.

All Meetings

When you are forwarded to Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Zoom Meetings you will need to either log in using Google, Microsoft or Zoom authentication or provide your name in order to join the online meeting.  The information provided by you at this point is directly with Google, Microsoft or Zoom and not with the CIL.

The organisers / hosts of an online meeting should make the participants present physically at the event aware that they may be in the online meeting footage and may be recorded.  

The meeting may be recorded and / or transcribed.  Recordings and transcriptions are accessible by the CIL Meet room owner and may be shared elsewhere by them.

Some CIL Meet rooms have a telephone dial in facility provided by the CIL.  Your phone number is processed by the CIL Meet system and may also be displayed or partially displayed to other participants in the meetings.  CIL Meet room owners should make sure participants joining only by telephone are aware of this when providing the room phone number to them.  Please contact the CIL Meet room owner regarding this if you have any concerns.

Analytics is in place on all CIL Meet meeting types to collect participant information.  We record the following information from the meeting providers in order to report on the usage of CIL Meet and to improve the service:

  • Your name (or phone number if you have called in), if available, as displayed in the meeting (you can set this when you join the meeting, eg when Zoom asks you for your name)
  • The date and time you joined a meeting
  • The duration for which you joined the meeting
  • The meeting code generated by the meeting platform (specific to Google Meet, Teams or Zoom)
  • The CIL Meet host identifier for the meeting (related to the Ecclesia or Organisation that is running the meeting)
  • Your email address if you have provided this to Google Meet, Teams or Zoom and if made available by that platform to us.

The above information is retained for 2 years.  Information for meetings for a specific Ecclesia or Organisation may be shared with that Ecclesia or Organisation.

The above information is not shared with third-parties (see Sharing your personal data below)


We may from time to time offer registration for events on the website, for example for gatherings or youth weeks.  We collect your name, home address, date of birth, phone, email and travel arrangements in order to coordinate the event capacity and to contact you about the event or to let you know should we need to cancel or reschedule the event.  This information will be deleted from our website servers within a month of the event completing, and we will ask you personally if you wish contact to be maintained with you so that you can be invited to other similar events.

WhatsApp Groups

If you join our WhatsApp groups then both we and the other members of those groups will be able to see your WhatsApp name and your mobile phone number.  You agree not to share this information as described at

The WhatsApp integration is facilitated by a third party called Whapi.  By joining the group, Whapi can potentially see your mobile phone number.   Whapi have confirmed they do not use your connected number or use your information in any way.  Whapi's privacy policy is here:

Telegram Channels

If you join our Telegram Channels then we will be able to see your Telegram name and potentially your mobile phone number as channel owners.  Other followers of the channels will not be able to see this information.

Email Notifications

Your first name, last name, email address may be shared with in order to facilitate email notifications.  You can subscribe using the forms and links on our website, and you can unsubscribe from the emails at any time.  The privacy statement can be viewed at

Sharing your personal data (online meetings)

In order to facilitate the CIL Meet online meeting service for Google Meet room types we have partnered with Google LLC.  Your email address may be used when a meeting event is created using the Google Calendar API (Application Programming Interface).  The calls to the API are authenticated via Google OAuth2 and sent using secure HTTPS communication.  The event is created using a CIL controlled google account provided for the organisation / ecclesia.  The calendar event attendees are only visible to those with access to the google account (typically the room owners).  This is simply used to enable secure access to the online meeting.

In order to facilitate the CIL Meet online meeting service for Microsoft Teams room types we have partnered with Microsoft Corporation.  Your email address, first name and last name may be used (depending on the room setup) to provide you with guest access on the CIL Meet Microsoft Tenancy.  This is simply used to enable secure access to the online meeting.

We do not share your personal data with Zoom to create the online meetings.

CIL Meet Analytics (the meetings you join) and CIL Website Analytics (the web pages you visit) are facilitated by the Google BigQuery and Looker Studio tools.  This information is available to the CIL Committee and in the case of CIL Meet, may be made available to the CIL Meet organisation / ecclesial contacts for the meetings they host.

Changes to our Privacy Statement

If our Privacy Statement changes in any way, we will place an updated version on this page. Regularly reviewing this page ensures that you are always aware of what personal information we collect and how we use it.

This Privacy Statement was last updated on 17th July 2024.